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Chinese Vickers E Mk. B


Mirage Hobby

Mirage Hobby's 1/72 scale 7TP / Vickers E kits are available online from Squadron.com


S u m m a r y

Catalogue Number: MG72621 Series 6
Scale: 1/72
Contents and Media: 148 parts in grey styrene; two flexible track lengths; tow cables in vinyl; markings for three vehicles.
Price: USD$10.97 from Squadron.com
Review Type: First Look
Advantages: High quality mouldings; mass of detail; unusual subject
Disadvantages: Some parts very small; vinyl tracks may be fiddly
Recommendation: Recommended


Reviewed by Glen Porter




This series of tanks from Mirage of Poland is based on the Vickers 6 ton tank.

The subject of this review os the Vickers Export Model (E), which was sold to China and Finland in the 1930s.

The detail in this new kit is equal to the best of Revell's new armour kits. I am not entirely happy about the vinyl tracks but they are well moulded and it will be interesting to see how they look on the vehicle.

I am looking forward to building this kit - it is definitely something different!


Thanks to Squadron.com for the review sample.

Review and Images Copyright © 2003 by Glen Porter
Page Created 04 January, 2003
Last updated 22 July, 2004

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