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Cross of Iron
German 6th Army Stalingrad
Figure Sets



S u m m a r y

Stock Number, Media/Contents, Description and Price DML 1/35 Scale ‘39-‘45 Series Figure sets:

No. 6171, "Cross of Iron" Eastern Front 1944 10th Anniversary Special Edition; 118 parts in grey stryene; price estimated at USD$8-10

No. 6172, German 6th Army Stalingrad 1942/43 10th Anniversary Special Edition; 113 parts in grey styrene; price estimated at USD$8-10
Scale: 1/35
Review Type: First Look
Advantages: More DML high quality figures, again with the new generic 55-piece sprue with four extra heads; new artwork and box style
Disadvantages: Some parts may be too heavy or thick for many modelers (see text)
Recommendation: Highly Recommended for all WWII German fans


Reviewed by Cookie Sewell

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F i r s t L o o k


DML is out to really celebrate its 10th anniversary, and two more very nice new figure sets will be their next set of featured kits. No. 6171 comes with the "April 2003" page of the calendar they are providing with the special 10th Anniversary kits, and No. 6172 is "May 2003."

The first kit seems to have taken its theme from the 1977 Sam Peckinpaw movie of the same name, and the "3" figure appears to resemble James Coburn! It comes with four infantry or panzergrenadier soldiers in various useful combat poses and the usual selection of weapons and equipment. The new 55 part extra sprue from the "Tank Riders" set is included so there are plenty of accessories and a total of eight heads for variety with the figures.

The second one is probably more useful to some modelers and dioramists, as it comes with all four figures in long winter coats. Two of the figures are wearing balaklava type head warmers, one has a wrapped scarf, and the other has a Soviet-style winter cap with ear flaps pulled down tight. Figure 1 has a winter smock over his long coat, and also he and Figure 3 have what appear to be winter boots. The coat tails are a bit heavy but these can be thinned, and the break points are well chosen to hide any seams. Figure 4 is kneeling behind a supposed barrier, so he is a unique pose.

Overall these figures have been good value, and now with the extra sprues of parts they're a real bargain.

Thanks to Freddie Leung of DML for the review samples.

Cookie Sewell

Review Copyright © 2003 by Cookie Sewell
Page Created 05 March, 2003
Last updated 15 August, 2003

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