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U.S. MJ-1 Bomb Loader




Wingz Aero Products (VLS)


S u m m a r y

Catalogue No. and Description Item WG0016 - U.S. MJ-1 Bomb Loader
Price: USD$ from VLS website
Contents and Media: 7 parts in pale yellow resin
Scale: 1/35
Review Type: FirstLook
Advantages: Well cast; good use of multi-media; versatile for dioramas and vignettes across a long time period; great detail; includes markings and instructions.
Recommendation: Recommended.


Reviewed by Brett Green






Thanks to VLS for the review samples

These and other VLS products may be viewed at the VLS Website

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Review Copyright © 2003 by Brett Green
Page Created 18 October, 2003
Last updated 18 October, 2003

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