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Panzer IA Interior






Tristar has officially announced a comprehensive interior set for their superb 1/35 scale Panzer IA including the entire fighting compartment, engine compartment and even a replacement rear deck. The parts breakdown is provided in the image below. Images of the interior under construction are provided at the bottom of the page.



More details will follow in the coming weeks.



Construction Images


Click the thumbnails below to view details of each stage of construction:


Thanks to C.K. Pat from Tristar Model (International) for the preview information and images

Tristar products are distributed in Australia and New Zealand by Modelmania.

Check their website for Retailers or Trade enquiries.

HyperScale is proudly supported by Squadron.com

Text Copyright © 2002 by Brett T. Green
Images Copyright © 2002 by Tristar Model (International)
Page Created 24 December, 2002
Last updated 24 August, 2003

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