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8 Rad Heavy Armoured Car


Roden, 1/72

S u m m a r y

Catalogue Number: 703 - Sd Kfz 234/1
Scale: 1/72
Contents and Media: 153 parts in injection moulded plastic [49 in light brown and 104 in black], 1 sheet of gauze for turret screens, decals for only one vehicle and instruction booklet with history, build diagrams, parts plan and paint/decal drawings.
Price: USD$6.96 from Squadron.com
Review Type: First Look
Advantages: Beautifully moulded, highly detailed and inovative mesh for turret screens
Disadvantages: A sink mark right in the middle of the nose, markings for one vehicle only.
Recommendation: Highly Recommended


Reviewed by Glenn Porter

Roden's 1/72 scale Sd Kfz 234/1 is available online from Squadron.com




This is the second in the 234 series of Armoured Cars from Roden.

Roden has gained a reputation for innovation with their WW I Biplane kits but their armour kits have been quite straight forward. It looks like this is set to change with this model. The Sd Kfz 234/1 had a 222 type gun turret on the roof to give the Reconnaissance Vehicles a measure of AA protection. This turret, like the 222, had an anti grenade screen above it. Roden has supplied the frame in plastic but for the screen they have given us a small sheet of gauze. This may be common in 1/35 scale but I've never seen it in Braille Scale.

Well done Roden!


Below the turret, this kit is the same as their Puma, already reviewed on this web site, but with a new sprue for the 222 turret replacing the Puma one. Because the turret screen can be displayed open, some turret interior is supplied and the small amount of hull interior is also to be used. There is a small amount of flash around some of the parts but not really a problem. The sink hole is a problem though. It's right over some detail on the sloping nose of the vehicle and will be very hard to get rid of with-out also eliminating that detail. Of cause, you could make it battle damage! Not so well done.

Comparing this kit with the plans in Kagero's book on the 234 series [ No 20 ], it matched very well. The turret of the Puma was a bit narrow against these plans but this turret is spot on. As I said in the earlier review, I can't vouch for the accuracy of those plans other than over-all dimensions, length, width and depth.

Decals are pretty much standard fare from Roden with separate white and black crosses to alleviate possible register problems but then they go and do the opposite with the number plate decals. The point here, I think, is that the crosses would not be hard to replace if the register was out but the number plates would be almost impossible. Fortunately, the register looks fine. The only other marking is a vehicle weight table.

Instructions are their usual eight page booklet with fifteen very clear build diagrams. Normally these diagrams contain colour notations for parts that can't be seen on the paint/decal drawings, such as interior details which would normally be a different colour to the interior, but these are missing except for floor, walls and seats. Colour and markings are given for only one vehicle but, it just happens to be the vehicle covered in Kagero's book which also comes with a complete set of 1/72 scale decals. I guess that's not much help if you haven’t got the book though.

I thought Hasagawa's Puma was ever so slightly superior to Roden's and I believe they [Hasagawa] are also releasing a 234/1 but I think that turret screen will tip the balance back in Roden's favour.

Highly Recommended.

Thanks to Squadron for the review sample.

Review and Images Copyright © 2005 by Glen Porter
Page Created 30 May, 2005
Last updated 30 May, 2005

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