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Tarantul I Corvette


Mirage Hobby

Mirage Hobby's 1/400 scale Tarantul Corvettes are available online from Squadron.com


S u m m a r y

Catalogue Number: 40232 Series 2
Scale: 1/400
Contents and Media: 53 parts on 2 sprues; markings for one boat in service with 3 Navies
Price: USD$4.96 from Squadron.com
Review Type: First Look
Advantages: Interesting subject; good detail; inexpensive
Disadvantages: Some parts overscale/too heavy; needs etched brass
Recommendation: Recommended


Reviewed by Glenn Porter




Over the last few years, Mirage Hobby from Poland has been producing some nice small ship kits in 1/400 scale.

The subject of this review is the Russian Built P.B.S. built in the 1970s for their own and other Eastern Bloc Navies.

This boat, named Hiddensea, was built for the East German Navy but was tranferred to the Bundesmarine after re-unification. Toward the end of its career it was handed to the US Navy and used as an intruder craft during range exercises. The Hiddensea now resides at the US Naval Air Warfare Center (Aircraft Division) at Patuxent River in Maryland.

Despite my lack of reference for this type, this should build into a nice model based on the box artwork.

Some of the detail is a bit thick. In particular, the lattice work on the masts would benefit from a replacement from etched metal.

Hopefully, as Mirage are in the process of releasing etched sets for their U-Boats and Torpedo Boats, this may not be too long coming.


Thanks to Squadron.com for the review sample.

Review and Images Copyright © 2003 by Glen Porter
Page Created 06 January, 2003
Last updated 24 August, 2003

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