Reviewed by Rodger Kelly
Hercules Walkaroud
is available online from
New from Squadron/Signal Publications in their excellent Walk Around series
is number 31, covering the C-130 Hercules.
The Walk Around is authored by Lou Drendel and Don Greer, names that are more
than familiar to most modellers. Artwork is by Dave Gebhardt and Darren Glenn.
The book is laid out in a logical format that begins with general photographic
coverage of the main C-130 types (-A with the Roman nose,-A, -B, -E, -H and –J)
to give the reader an understanding of the salient differences between them.
From there, the aircraft is covered from nose to tail and wingtip to wingtip in
nice, sharp and clear photographs.
The photographs are supplemented with line drawings that show details that are
difficult to portray in photographs; eg the inside surfaces of the landing gear
doors and the undercarriage legs.
There are also text boxes that list what engine is used on each type of C-130 as
well as one that details what each of variants were used for; eg the WC-130 was
a weather reconnaissance machine, the MC-130 is a special operations transport
capable of landing and recovering personnel etc.
Fans of the esoteric will be pleased with the coverage given to the EC-130 as it
not only provides photographs of the various antennae mounted on the exterior of
the aircraft but also the various consoles in the highly modified cargo bay.
Similar coverage is provided for the AC-130 "Spectre" variant of the C-130.
The book consists of 80 pages between cardboard covers in the familiar landscape
format used so successfully by Squadron/Signal. The use of colour photographs is
liberal with 106 in all. Three pages of colour profiles with three aircraft on
each page are also provided.

This is a good reference book. for both modellers and aircraft enthusiasts
alike. It provides a history of the aircraft without going too deep as well as
great photographic coverage.
Review Copyright © 2003 by
Rodger Kelly
Page Created 05 August, 2003
Last updated 15 August, 2003
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