Reviewed by Rodger Kelly
Crusader Walk Around
is available online from
The Chance Vought F-8 Crusader is the subject of the latest addition to
Squadron/Signal's excellent Walk Around series.
The book is authored by Ed Barthelmes with colour by Don Greer and Darren Glen
and illustrations by David Gebhardt.
The F-8 Crusader was the first of the capable modern era carrier based
supersonic fighters used by the U.S. Navy and its last single-seat (true)
fighter. It was around for a long, long time finally being retired by them in
1987. It also enjoyed service with the French Navy between 1962 and 1999 as well
as the Philippines Air Force between 1978 and 1988.
This book follows the established Squadron /Signal Publications Walkaround
format of extensive photographic coverage and the history of the aircraft being
conveyed in the captions to the photographs.
The photographs are in both colour and black and white and cover every nook and
cranny of the machine.

It follows a logical sequence beginning with the development of the Crusader and
carries on through each of the modifications and designations. Especially
helpful is explanation on the transition and changes in the designation system -
what they were initially called and what they became i.e. the F8U-1 became the
F-8A etc as well as the re-manufacturing program – i.e. the F-8C became the
F-8K. The RF-8 receives coverage via its own separate section. Fans of the
French F-8E (FN) are catered for too with detail photographs of this machine
also provided. I especially liked the inclusion of the RF-8 as sooner or later,
Hasegawa will release one based on their new 1/48 scale moulds.

The book is in landscape format with 78 glossy pages that contain 120 full
colour photographs, 130 black and white photographs, three line drawings and 12
colour profiles between cardboard covers.
If you plan on building or converting the recent and excellent 1/48 scale
Hasegawa kit or the new 1/72 scale Italeri then this is the book for you. It
provides excellent clear photographs of the entire airframe so that you can add
all the details missed by or not able to be provided by the kit's manufacturer
to your latest masterpiece.
An excellent reference book at a very reasonable price.
Thanks to Squadron
for the review sample
Review Copyright © 2005 by
Rodger Kelly
Page Created 04 February, 2005
Last updated 04 February, 2005
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