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Master Class Technique Briefing #1

Natural Metal Finishes
Featuring Alclad II

Master Class Model Building Videos


S u m m a r y
Catalogue Number and Description Master Class Model Building Videos - Master Class Technique Briefing #1
Natural Metal Finishes Featuring Alclad II
Price: USD$29.95 direct from Master Class Model Building Videos
Contents and Media: One DVD
Review Type: FirstLook
Advantages: High quality production; detailed coverage of surface preparation, use of Alclad and related techniques; easy to use menu; accessible presentation style.
Recommendation: Highly Recommended


Master Class Technique Briefing #1 is available online from Meteor Productions

Reviewed by Brett Green




Disk 1 photoFloyd Werner will be well known to most of HyperScale's regular visitors through his online articles as a talented and prolific modeller. Floyd has already appeared in Master Class Model Building Video's first production, "Building the Bf 109 G-6 in 1/32 Scale".

The subject matter of this latest DVD is more focused, but no less useful and interesting to modellers. "Master Class Technique Briefing #1, Natural Metal Finishes Featuring Alclad II" is a step-by-step guide to preparing, priming, spraying and decaling models using a range of Alclad II finishes.

Floyd Werner demonstrates these techniques in almost real time, and covers every aspect of parts preparation, assembly, repairing seam lines, spraying and post-painting activities. I was pleased that, although this is Natural Metal Finishes, due emphasis was placed on the importance of achieving a flawless finish on the bare plastic of the kit prior to priming.

I believe that the very best way to learn how to build and paint a model is to watch a talented modeller at work, then try to emulate what that modeller does. The practical limitation is that there are not many modellers with the patience and inclination to let you watch an entire model build, and who would explain what he is doing and why through every step of the way. The Master Class Technique Briefing, however, offers exactly this service. Being a DVD, you can also review and repeat any section that you feel that you need to see again.

Although the Master Class Model Building Video is probably targetting the less experienced modeller, I found it fascinating to see some of the specific techniques used by Floyd that were different to mine, including the use of super glue and accelerator to fill seam lines.

Technically, the DVD is very well presented. The video and audio are high quality, and the menu is easy to use - you can skip to any area of interest with the press of a button on your remote control. Floyd's presentation style is clear and quite accessible.

The Master Class Model Building Video steps thhrough the following specific techniques:

  • Introduction to Preparing Kit Parts, Fit and Filling Seams

  • Preparing to Paint

  • Applying Primer/Repairing Flaws

  • Spraying Aluminum Base Coat

  • Fixing Flaws Under Alclad

  • Adding Variety

  • Replicating Highly Polished Finishes

  • Masking Over Alclad II

  • Dealing with Canopies

  • Weathering Metallic Finishes

  • Working with Alclad II Chrome

  • Simulating Brass





"Master Class Technique Briefing #1, Natural Metal Finishes Featuring Alclad II" is an excellent description of the processes required to obtain a first-class natural metal finish on your models, starting at cutting the parts from the sprues, right up to decals and weathering.

Whether you are new to the hobby, or have a specific requirements for natural metal finishes, or are interested in seeing a fellow modeller at work, this is a worthwhile resource to have in your modelling library.

Highly Recommended.

Thanks to Master Class Model Building Videos for the review sample.

More information is available from Master Class Model Building Videos' website

Review Text Copyright © 2006 by Brett Green
Page Created 01 November, 2006
Last updated 01 November, 2006

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