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Red Cross Nurse


1/35 Scale


Custom Dioramics


S u m m a r y
Catalogue Number and  Description Custom Dioramics CD 4043 Red Cross Nurse
Scale: 1/35
Price: USD$12.95 from VLS Website
Contents and Media: Six parts in yellow-coloured resin
Review Type: FirstLook
Advantages: Crisp detail; minimal cleanup; simple construction excellent and realistic surface detail; fun to paint up
Disadvantages: Bland/static pose
Recommendation: Recommended

Assembled, Painted & Reviewed

by Andrew Judson




Here is Custom Dioramics' 1/35 scale Red Cross Nurse. Six nicely cast yellow resin pieces are contained in the box.

Cleanup was minimal and fit of all parts was very good.

Once together, I thought that the pose was a little bland. The box shows the nurse simply standing with arms by her side and looking straight ahead.

I did not want to alter things too much for the review, so I simply tilted the figures' head to one side in an effort to add a little life.

Vallejo paints were used to finish the figure.

In summary, this is a good little figure that was fun to build up.


Thanks to VLS for the review sample

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Text and Figure Painting Copyright © 2003 by Andrew Judson
Images Copyright © 2003 by Brett Green
Page Created 04 January, 2003
Last updated 24 August, 2003

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