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Military Field Toilet

1/35 Scale

Lincoln County Line


S u m m a r y
Catalogue Number and  Description Lincoln County Line LC0017
Scale: 1/35
Price: USD$9.95 from VLS Website
Contents and Media: Seven parts in tan-coloured resin
Review Type: FirstLook
Advantages: Crisp detail; simple construction excellent and realistic surface detail
Disadvantages: Door cast closed
Recommendation: Recommended

Assembled, Painted & Reviewed

by Andrew Judson




And now for something really different - a toilet! "What" you say? Yes, a 1/35 scale toilet. Lincoln County Line has done a really great job with this one.

There are seven resin parts presented in a light tan. Before assembly, you will have to decide whether to have the door open or closed as it is moulded in the closed position. However, it is a simple matter to cut the door off and reposition it as I have.

All the internal detail needs to be painted prior to assembly too, as it will be very difficult to access once the walls and roof parts are in place.



I added a few extra parts to mine, just to give a customised touch. These included a toilet roll, newspaper and even a pin-up girl on the wall!

Once it is all finished this toilet will be an effective accessory for a vignette or a diorama. I recommend this set to all - good fun!

Thanks to VLS for the review sample

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Text and Figure Painting Copyright © 2002 by Andrew Judson
Images Copyright © 2002 by Brett Green
Page Created 29 November, 2002
Last updated 24 August, 2003

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