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CVN-68 USS Nimitz
Photos of the Rebuilt, Post 2001 Overhaul
 photo CD


Produced by Ray Bean,

Still Motion Photographics
Photos by Darren Scannell


S u m m a r y

Title, Description & Publisher: “CVN-68 USS Nimitz
Photos of the Rebuilt, Post 2001 Overhaul” photo CD
Produced by Ray Bean, Still Motion Photographics
Photos by Darren Scannell
Media: Compact Disk
Price: USD$24.95 available from Still Motions Photographics
Review Type: First Read
Advantages: 150 very useful full colour PDF images; good list of references
Disadvantages: Some stair-steping noticeable on screen
Recommendation: Highly Recommended


Reviewed by Rusty White

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“By Modelers for Modelers” is the well known slogan for IPMS, but truer words were never spoken about the new photo CD “CVN 68 Nimitz” from Ray Bean/Still Motion Photographics. Ray’s first photo CD “Nimitz Class Carriers”, covered a little bit of everything about the ships of the Nimitz class, but this one covers in great detail, CVN-68 Nimitz after her post 2001 overhaul.

You will need the Adobe Reader program to view the 150 full color PDF images, but it’s available free from the Adobe web site (adobe.com).

Most notable on the disk are the 25 hangar bay images. These are most welcome because clear, well lit shots (Nimitz class or otherwise) of super carrier hangar bays are difficult to find. A nice touch to these shots is notes indicating where they were taken in the hangar bay. Bow and stern notes are placed on each image along with other notes to keep the viewer in proper orientation. So if you’re one of those sadists that wants to scratch build the hangar bay, knock yourself out!

Click the thumbnails below to view sample images:

The balance of the images is devoted to the outside of the ship (no aircraft images) with close-ups of details modelers are interested in. Namely, the island, electronics, catwalks, refueling stations, hull, pri-fly, flight deck details, even the “Tilly” crane, and many others are well documented. The only area of the ship not covered is the stern. Some shots of this complicated area of the ship (namely the big boat dock) would have been most welcome because this is a neglected area of detail on all Nimitz models.

The images are not “high res” shots; probably to allow room for more images on the CD. There is noticeable “stair stepping” on some images when viewed on my computer screen. However, I printed out several on 8.5” x 11” paper and they look good to me. So resolution isn’t much of a problem, but could be if you want to zoom in on some areas. However, all the images are clear, in focus, and well lit.

Another improvement Ray made in this CD was the inclusion of a printed index. With 150 images and no notes as to what number image or where they are on the CD, this is a most welcomed addition. I didn’t check every reference on the index, but I tried about 30 and all were correct.

Hopefully Ray will include a similar index on the first Nimitz CD.





The addition of the new index and hangar bay images make this a great addition to anyone’s “digital” reference library. The lack of images of the stern is a downer, but still makes this one well worth having. 150 images make it a great value and is just one of the advantages to having a “digital” reference library. A book with this many color photos would cost around $100.00. This is a must have for any modern carrier enthusiast, and is a MUST for anyone building any Nimitz model.

The CD retails for $24.95 (postage included) in the Continental US and slightly higher for overseas orders (email or write for exact overseas rate).

Highly Recommended

Order from:
Still Motions Photographics
#5 260 Lumsden Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Canada R2Y OJ9

Rusty White

Review Copyright © 2005 by Rusty White
This Page Created on 10 July, 2005
Last updated 10 July, 2005

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